Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sargasso - Chapter 4

Sargasso is a serial short story. If you missed Chapter 3 click here.

To my readers: This being the final chapter, next week I will have a post that will answer the questions I have been receiving about the story. If you would like something answered feel free to post your question in the comments section or email me at -Peter-John 

By Peter-John Campbell

Chapter 4

The world passed by silently for the next few miles. So-young drifted upstream in shock, the image of the dead bodies penetrating her mind's eye.

Rounding the bend, she saw the old bridge. For the most part, it was as she remembered it. Years of neglect and erosion had worn away two of the piers. It was rickety but passable.

It didn't take long for her to find the old trade route. It was an overgrown path now, but the ancestors from a time before had used it to cross the highlands into the north. So-young and her husband had discovered this road during their exploring of the mountain side. Lost to the forest many generations ago, the path was hidden from the prying eyes of the Ministry. This was their secret place; a place where they could be themselves, think, and talk without anyone listening.

She climbed the ridge for the rest of the day, the city growing smaller with every step. The whales below, searching in vain, floated above the skyline looking and watching for any sign of her.


Picture art courtesy of Six Wings Studio
As the sun was beginning to set, So-young reached the razor back. Exhausted, she sat down on a ledge to rest. She could just see the tops of the towering skyscrapers and the bright flashing lights of the city far below.

Behind her the sound of distant booming could be heard. She turned away from the city and looked down into the valley below, scarred end to end from decades of war. She thought of her husband. This is where he had died, like so many others, fighting a seemingly endless struggle with an enemy that, to most, was unknown. Snaps of light and thunderous booms echoed across the valley, as if a distant storm were on the horizon. It was the war. The sight of it was strangely reassuring to So-young; at least not everything she had ever been told was a lie.

The valley rumbled with each flash of light. So-young watched the battle, in all its terrible splendor. Above the battlefield, jet fighters swarmed like a cloud of gnats; bombing, fleeing, dodging. They danced and spun in the night sky like a well choreographed ballet.

A gnat suddenly broke away from the battle and buzzed frantically down the valley. The fighter swerved erratically, one of its engines burning. As So-young watched, three small missiles shot up and followed quickly on its tail. The plane pitched and yawed in a desperate attempt to survive. Suddenly, the injured gnat flew straight up in the air, dropping decoy flares that hung like sparks in the sky. The rockets did not follow, and a moment later the sparks exploded like a massive fireworks display as the missiles struck.

The sky became quiet after that as the darkness drew in from the east. Aside from the occasional rumble, the valley lay silent.


The thin man paced impatiently, cleaning his glasses. Teams of men sat in front of him, scouring through footage of the thousands of cameras placed throughout the city. “Well?”

“Nothing yet sir,” one of the searchers said nervously.

“How can there be nothing? She could not have just disappeared!” Frustrated, he walked the span of the long room, looking at the monitors as he passed by, facial scanners clicking away combing every inch of the screens.

“Sir.” A voice from down the row. The thin man rushed over to him. “I have a location on Sun Chung-Ho.”

The thin man looked annoyed. “Leave it.”

“But sir?

“We'll deal with him later. Find the girl!”

A red light at the next station over flashed brightly. The thin man leaned in to looked at the identifier. “Private, what is this?”

The boy looked up. “Oh, that's a sensor for the fence on the north ridge. It's probably just a deer. There's a lot of movement up there this time of year.”

“Bring it up,” the thin man ordered.

The young private nervously typed on his keyboard and flipped a few switches.

“Roll it back to when the sensor turned on.” The footage zipped back quickly and then stopped and restarted. The thin man peered at the screen. A deer wondered into the shot, the thin man clenched his jaw.

“Like I said, we...”

“Wait!” the thin man interrupted. “What is that?” He pointed to a small shadow, barely noticeable. “Pull that up.” The screen zoomed in, he watched and re-watched as the sequence replayed. “That's her. Call transport. Tell them I'll be on the roof in 2 minutes.”


Hiking all day down the ridge line, So-young felt it was time to take a break. Pulling her backpack off, she tossed it to the ground and stretched her aching back. The battlefield was now directly below her, and she could see the fighting more clearly now. The chaos of it all frightened her. Looking out over the valley she could see her path along the ridge and was glad it kept her out of range and sight of the fighting. If she could keep up her current pace, she could be across the border by night fall.

So-young felt the sound before she heard it. Rising from below her, a whale surfaced above the ridge, squealing loudly, with its guns ready to fire. She stepped back, and her heart sunk. They had found her.

“Stop!” came a commanding voice from the machine.

She turned to run, and her eyes widened. The thin man appeared behind her, his impulse gun drawn. So-young was trapped.

“That child belongs to the State,” he growled. “By the authority of Article 9, you are under arrest for desertion, obstruction, and theft of government property.” He stopped, lowering his voice. “I'm afraid it's over, So-young.”

“Afraid is for the weak,” she said coldly, and pulled the flair from her pocket. With one motion, she ripped the cap off the fuse and flung it at the mighty beast. Caught in the machine's airstream, the flaming stick was sucked into one of the jets. The whale screeched and groaned in a desperate attempt to stay afloat.

Below, an enemy rocket launcher tagged the heat signature of the now burning engine and launched a battery of missiles. They pierced the skin of the beast, wounding it further. Howling, the great whale fell below the ridge into the valley and burst into flames.

The thin man, who was thrown back with the explosion, picked himself up off the ground. So-young was gone. He looked around frantically. Down the path, she was almost out of sight. He grabbed his gun and shot wildly.

With a whipping whistle, the projectile flew past So-young, barely missing her. The base of a tree exploded a few feet ahead with a loud crack. So-young screamed and ran harder down the path, the tree falling behind her with a loud crash. Another shot fired, this one hitting the ground a few feet behind her.

So-young was struggling to breathe. Her mouth tasted like metal, and sweat poured off of her body like rain, but she couldn't stop. She had come too far. Just ahead, the path split. She had to think fast; either stay on the ridge or head down into the valley towards the battle. Another shot flew by her head, she looked back and could see the thin man not far behind. She chose the valley.

So-young took long quick strides, trying to keep her balance on the steep incline. When she landed on level ground, her legs gave out from under her. She started to get up, but something was coming towards her out of the thick fog, and she hit the deck. A unit of floating tanks passed over, just a foot from her head. The machines hovered with a growling noise and fired bright lights towards the enemy. She stayed low, watching them fly away. Then heard three high pitched beeps, and suddenly something jumped up out of the ground under one of the tanks. A land mine. A split second later, the object exploded, flipping the tank upside down and sending it crashing into another.

Holding her ears, she buried her face into the ground. When the explosion died down, she scrambled to her feet and started running headlong towards the enemy line. Men were climbing out of the tank, screaming, while others ran to their aid. So-young kept running. There was no time to think, no time to worry about what could happen. She ran through the thick smoke, gagging on the smell of burnt flesh, the ground exploding around her. The battle enveloped her in a cacophony of noise and fumes.

Pressing through the fog, things suddenly became quieter. So-young slowed down, confused. She looked up and saw the missiles and sorties flying overhead. She realized she was in the gulf between the battle lines. Another wall of smoke and death lay ahead of her. She ran towards it.

“So-young, stop!” a voice shouted. She turned. It was the thin man standing behind her, holding his gun. “This is mad! You're going to die out here. Think of the child!”

Artillery shells hurdled overhead. Bombs exploded, and shots fired all around. So-young looked right at the thin man and confessed her lie. “There never was a child!” she shouted. “And there never will be.”

“Then what is this all about?” he shouted back.

She looked over her shoulder and then back at him. “Freedom!” She startled at the sound of her own voice, speaking the illegal word.

The thin man took a sharp breath. The word hung in the dense air for a moment. “And you think they will give it to you? Look around you! They're trying to kill us.”

“You're the one with a gun pointed at me.”

He holstered his weapon and slowly moved towards her. “Back in the city you have everything you could possibly need. Women are honored, protected. Why would you give that up?”

She crept back, keeping her eyes on him. “Because we're slaves. We all are, including you.”

“That's not true. The Great Father loves us all.” He took off his glasses and wiped the lenses.

“Then why are you chasing me?”

Putting his glasses back on, he softened his voice and moved towards her again. “Because we want you to be safe.” The thin man reached forward and grabbed her. So-young struggled and pulled away. Suddenly, she heard three high pitch beeps. The thin man took a step back, unsure of what he stepped on. The mine hopped up. So-young threw herself to the ground, covering her head.

Hot steal tore into her arm. She screamed in pain. Rolling over, she could see the left sleeve of her jacket was shredded, blood oozing from her upper arm. Painfully, she got to her knees holding the wound, then quickly looked around for the thin man. But she didn't find him. He was gone.

With the little strength she had left, So-young got to her feet and ran into the haze. The ground began exploding all around again, making it impossible to see. She had reached the enemy line. Loud flashes of light blasted overhead as the enemy returned fire. She ran past their strange war machines. Troops of soldiers were running in every direction, moving into their forward positions.

The left side of her jacket and pants were now soaked in blood. So-young felt the energy drain from her body. Stumbling a final few steps, she fell to her knees. A group soldiers immediately surrounded her, yelling, their guns aimed and ready to fire. So-young could not understand them. Her ears were ringing. She attempted to raise her right arm in surrender, but was too weak to move.

One of the men slowly moved towards her. He was shouting something repeatedly, but So-young did not understand. Setting his gun down, he reached for her bleeding arm. He opened her jacket and looked surprised. He turned and yelled to the others. “It's a woman!” So-young understood this.

The other men moved closer, confused. “Where did she come from? Are they using females now?”

The man helped So-young lay down on the ground. The others turned around and took a defensive position. So-young drifted in and out of consciousness. “Stay with me!” she could hear the man's voice saying.

When So-young opened her eyes, she could see a medic above her, wrapping her arm. She was shocked to see that the doctor was a women. Her hair was blond and short, and she wore a white jacket smeared with blood. The doctor smiled at So-young. “You're going to be alright. You're safe now.”

On the medic's jacket, So-young could see a crest picturing two snakes wrapped around a staff with wings at the top. Encircling the image were words that So-young couldn't make out. But one word she did know. "Freedom." The most forbidden word, seen only before in secret, scratched into a bus seat or scrawled in an underground tunnel, worn here in broad daylight as a badge of honor. As a promise. As hope. So-young reached up and touched it, and for the first time in her life, she understood what it felt like. She was free.  
Sargasso by Peter-John Campbell ©2012 
Picture art courtesy of Six Wings Studio

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